Acupuncture In Australia Health Articles | January 28 Cheap UA Curry Shoes High , 2011
Acupuncture originated in China and is a treatment that can be traced back thousands of years. The general theory of traditional acupuncture is based on patterns of energy flow through the body tha...
Acupuncture originated in China and is a treatment that can be traced back thousands of years. The general theory of traditional acupuncture is based on patterns of energy flow through the body that are considered essential for health.
A commonly practiced form of acupuncture is Traditional Chinese Acupuncture involving needles inserted in Chinese Acupuncture points. Other forms include Trigger Point Acupuncture and Electro Acupuncture.
Growth of Acupuncture in Australia
The practice of acupuncture has enjoyed considerable growth in Australia in recent years.
ABS data shows that between 1996 and 2006, the number of acupuncture practitioners more than doubled in Australia.
According to the National Health Survey, 90 Cheap UA Curry Shoes Low ,600 people visited acupuncturists in 2004-05.
While females comprised half the population in 2004-05, they accounted for 62% of people who had visited a complementary health therapist (which included Acupuncturists).
Acupuncture practitioners are said to be concentrated in major centres including Acupuncture Sydney, Acupuncture Melbourne and Acupuncture Brisbane practitioners.
Registration of Acupuncturists
The Chinese medicine profession (acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine practitioners) has now been approved for inclusion in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for the Health Professions from 1 July 2012.
Previous registration was generally conducted through registration Boards Cheap UA Curry Shoes Mid , established partly with Government funding.
Industry bodies representing acupuncturists in Australia include the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Ltd (AACMA), the Acupuncture Association of Australia and the Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA).
These industry bodies conduct training or industry events Australia wide, including Acupuncture Sydney Cheap UA Curry Shoes Youth , Acupuncture Melbourne and Acupuncture Brisbane related events.
Training in Acupuncture
There are various university and other courses teaching acupuncture in Australia. These include Acupuncture Sydney courses (eg University of Western Sydney), Acupuncture Melbourne courses (eg RMIT) and Acupuncture Brisbane and Gold Coast courses (these are not university courses).
Undergraduate university courses are generally 4 year (full time) courses and often also involve a broader study of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
For more information regarding acupuncture Sydney, acupuncture Melbourne and acupuncture Brisbane Cheap UA Curry Shoes Mens , please visit:
Article Tags: Acupuncture Sydney Acupuncture, Sydney Acupuncture Melbourne, Acupuncture Sydney Cheap UA Curry Shoes Womens , Sydney Acupuncture, Acupuncture Melbourne, Acupuncture Brisbane
Owing the IRS back taxes is a stressful situation to find yourself in. If you owe the IRS it is important to understand your rights and options for getting out of tax debt. The good news is that there are ways to get tax debt relief and there are plenty of knowledgeable tax experts out there that can help. Of course they do so for a fee - so let's take a look at the subject of tax debt relief and you'll also want to consult our article titled "Can you settle tax debt on your own or do you need to hire a tax professional?" before you get started.
Offer in Compromise
One of the most common and effective forms of tax debt relief is known as an "Offer in Compromise" or OIC. An OIC is a complex legal agreement between an individual and the IRS which should only be attempted by a tax attorney or registered agent. In the early 1990s the OIC was created through section 7122 of the tax code. In the years since Cheap New UA Curry Shoes , the OIC has become a popular way to seek relief from delinquent taxes. The popularity of the OIC is because of its effectiveness. The IRS has reported that accepted OIC's have carried an average discount to the taxpayer of about 85%. In other words, the IRS is getting an average of 15 cents on the dollar when an OIC is accepted. The catch is that only about half of all OICs submitted are accepted. The thing to remember about an OIC is that the burden of proof falls completely on the shoulders of the taxpayer. You must be able to prove beyond doubt that you do not have the means to pay the debt or that the debt was erroneous to begin with. The technical names for these two types of OICs are "doubt as to collectability" and "doubt as to liability". Pretty self explanatory really - you must prove that you cannot pay or that you didn't really owe the tax. Since an OIC is a complicated legal agreement and many taxpayers don't qualify, you will definitely need to enlist the help of a tax professional to get started. We discuss the usage of paid tax professionals in great detail in our article - "Can you settle tax debt on your own or do you need to hire a tax professional?"