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25.02.2019 04:44
REGINA - Former Ottawa Senators and Winnipeg Jets head coach John Paddock is the new coach of the Regina Pats. [url=http://www.a Antworten

REGINA - Former Ottawa Senators and Winnipeg Jets head coach John Paddock is the new coach of the Regina Pats. Comprar Air Max 720 Baratas . The Western Hockey League club made the announcement Wednesday on its website. Paddock was also given the title of senior vice-president of hockey operations. Chad Lang continues in his role of senior vice-president of hockey and business. Paddock spent the last five seasons as an assistant general manager and assistant coach with the NHLs Philadelphia Flyers. The 60-year-old from Oak River, Man., was head coach of the Jets from 1991 to 1994 and the Senators for one season in 2007-08. Air Max 720 Baratas España . Marc-Andre Fleury made 27 saves to backstop the Penguins to a 2-1 victory over the Flames, handing Calgary its team record sixth consecutive home regulation loss. Air Max 720 Baratas Rebajas . LOUIS - The St. .com) - Eric Fehr and Marcus Johansson each registered a pair of goals, as Washington spoiled the head coaching debut of Peter Horachek by picking up a 6-2 victory in Toronto on Wednesday.DB: From all of the hall of famers youve played with, who did you learn the most about the game from just watching them play?CC: A combination of (thinking). I guess If you mixed them all together because they were all quite the players, but Nick Lidstrom is probably the answer. Just his demeanor, settling down and becoming a more relaxed player, not taking penalties. But just being more disciplined and skilled at the position. But from Steve Yzerman, his work ethic. He had skill, but I dont care what anyone says, yeah he had skill and was a natural goal scorer, but he worked at it Stevie. He really worked at it.DB: You must still have that competitive spirit, what do you do to keep it flowing?CC: Yeah, I mountain bike a lot, I snowboard a lot. So, I wouldnt exactly call it competetive because I dont compete. But sometimes it turns into races with the group of guys in California that I mountain bike with. But to be honest with you after competeing for that many years, I dont need to come in first anymore, I just need to finish (laughs). But Im still doing a lot of stuff like you mentioned, to fill that void, but mostly its that adrenaline rush is what I miss. And Ive managed to fill that by doing some of these things. #81777567 / DB: Do you go biking with any of the guys from the Malibu Mob?CC: Yeah, its basically that group of guys. If Im going to name drop, I go with Laird Hamilton the big wave surfer, John McEnroe, theres a big group of us, the guy from Rage Against The Machine Tim Commerford. They turn it into races every once in a while. But like I said, I just like going out into the mountains with them and being able to exercise and have fun. But yeah, for sure it gets a little competitive.DB: In your book, you talk about how Yzerman, Shanahan and some of the other guys used to drink top shelf wine at restaurants. What was the most expensive bottle you ever remember ordering?CC: Honestly, I never payed attention because they were the ones doing all the ordering. All I know is that at the end of the meal, there was a high price tag. But most of it was the night before games, so you dont go crazy, you order a bottle or two, split it between four guys. But I wasnt much on wine, it was too tough the next day.(HHOF Images)DB: Most memorable moment from the Stanley Cup party Kid Rock threw you guys in 2002?CC: Oh it was wild! I mean, just to see the whole team and his whole band together. Robby had entertained us before just him, but the whole team had never got the chance, especially in such an intimate venue. The bar was at the most 2000 sq.ft., maybe 150 or 200 people, so just the scene of all the players and having them on the stage with the Cup. I mean, it was pretty unreal to see that type of setting and how much fun everybody was having.DB: What was it like singing karaoke with Eddie Vedder? Is this your most memorable karaoke performance or unmemorable maybe?CC: (Laughs) Yeah, probably non-memorable because I was so terrible at it. But that weve actually done a few times, most of the time it was for our charity event that we do in Chicago. We always had it in a friends bar called Stanleys. But yeah, its great when youre doing it, butt then when you see the video youre wishing it never came out. Air Max 720 Baratas Online. But hes in a class of his own.DB: Apparently, youre a big sauna guy. How hot can you stand it in there?CC: Yeah, but I dont think its so much the temperature as the amount of time that I spend in there. The activities that I do in there as well, I ride the bike, lift weights or do circuits in there. But its like anything else, the more you do it, the higher your tollerance. I wouldnt advise it to anybody whos not an athlete, obviously. But I think for any person, like my parents for example, they do infrared saunas, its low heat. But its helped my dads diabetes, its cured my moms artheritis. So, I just think its a great way to treat your body and get rid of all the toxics and bad things in your body.DB: At the end of the outdoor classic alumni game this past year, you pulled one of the strangest goal celebrations anyones ever seen. Was this preplanned, was it spur of the moment?CC: Nah, Ive been doing that since college. I always just thought it was cool. I would have never done it in an NHL game but it was the perfect time, I knew I had to score early while the ice was still good to pull it off. But yeah, kids all over Michigan are doing it now and theyre hurting their necks. So, be careful!DB: You played many years with Pavel Datsyuk and he was pretty much an unknown when he joined the team. When did you realize he was going to be a special player? You played with many Hall of Famers, did he stand out at all in practice when he was young?CC: You know its unreal playing with him and everyday in practice he was trying those moves. Working at them, trying to perfect them and then finally hed pull them off in a game. So, Id like to say he makes it up as he goes along sometimes, but he sure works a lot at it in practice. Theres still some unreal things hes got left in his bag of tricks that I havent seen him try in a game yet... Probably because hes too shy, he doesnt want to showboat (Laughs). But Id like to see him try and pull off some of the things he does in practice.DB: You played with perhaps two of the greatest goaltenders of all time, Patrick Roy and Dominik Hasek. When you were defending in front of the net and the goalie was barking at you, who was harder to understand?CC: (Laughs) Well, Dom was most difficult to understand because of his accent. But usually it was the same thing he was always shouting out. And all he would be saying was, "I must see! I must see!" Thats all you hear coming from back there was, "I must see!" And then there was Patrick and Eddie Belfour I played with, who were pretty quite, but all three of them were extremely competitive.DB: Can you go BarDown?CC: To be honest, Im not familiar with the phrase (laughs).DB: Well, basically its when you shoot the puck, it hits the crossbar and goes in the net. Its called scoring bardown.CC: Oh, wow! Ive never heard that before (laughs). Well, Ive done it over the course of my career, but not on a real consistant basis. I mean if you look at the goalies back when I played, the best place to shoot would be on the ice because they didnt even go down. So, personally, I prefer shooting on the ice. ' ' '

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